Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Elections and Heart

Sparkle Cleanse Day 8 - Treat Yo Self Day 47

6 Steps to Sparkle
  1. Inspiration: I did it - it's been a whole 7 days under my belt and no matter how it went, the hardest part is behind me. "There will be more icy patches ahead (detox symptoms can pop up at any time), but you've taken some heroic steps. I wish you could see me giving you a standing ovation!"
  2. Focus: Everything I need to learn in life, I can learn from a chair. The diet is the seat (the largest area of focus); the mind, body, spirit, and daily practice are the four legs. When any one is off, we topple. "Which one is off? Pick one area of focus this week and crank it up!"
  3. Prayer: My body is a blessing. I am so grateful to live in this beautiful temple. Please show me corners I didn't know existed. Please help me tend to those corners.
  4. Affirmation: I am graceful. I am fierce. I am gentle. I am a powerhouse. I am silly. I am serious. I love all my opposites and I am balancing them with ease.
  5. Body Movin': Fasting rustles up gunk - keep it moving.
  6. Tip: Have compassion. Sometimes it's hard to show yourself compassion. If that's the case, do it for the animals, the planet, the big picture. I protest suffering by voting with my fork and spending my dollars where they matter.

My Reflection:

      Election Day is here and typically discussing politics gives me the creepy-crawlies. There are always two sides to every story and politics magnifies these stories and the differences between them. As humans our default is to only see one side and insist that it's the only way of being. The elections ask us to make a choice and no matter what your political views are, there is always a significant population that will feel they won and then others who lose. 
      When the winner is announced, the personal investment you put into the election may allow one to validated, encouraged and eager for the next 4 political years. Or, if the person and ideals you voted for lost there is a loss of control, discouragement and anger. There always ends up being a winner and a loser.
      This morning I woke up with an overflowing heart. As my husband drove me in to work, I mentioned how I didn't sleep well and he asked why.  Pausing I let the unexpressed tears of my heart fall.
       Today our state will vote on the Marriage Amendment. And I've waited to express my view point on this. Why? Because it is such a deep well of truth that I kept trying to keep a cover on it - because I simply feel so deeply that it hurt. The very fiber of my being honors finding truth, celebrating your spirit and creating a world of acceptance and love.  And if the amendment would pass - a piece of me would shatter.
       So many amazingly beautiful friends would feel the immediate effects of an amendment that limited what marriage is. But I promise you, if it does pass - it wouldn't stop anyone of them from LOVING and it won't stop me from believing that we are compassionate humans and that a world of acceptance is impossible.

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