Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The Well of Strength

      This last week has been a celebration of connection. After 21 days of daily blogging with the O.M.I. Life; I was ready to connect with myself, friends, family and choose to disconnect from electronics. Packing up the laptop was refreshing and I appreciated the change. 
      Hosting a Thanksgiving Brunch was a great start. I made as many good food choices as I could to create food that was gluten-free, dairy-free, corn-free and sugar-free. While not every delicious food I made fit into these guidelines (pumpkin cheesecake, mini-pecan pies and stuffing); the waffles, mini-donuts, potatoes and turkey did. I felt powerful and proud; thankful that I found my way; supporting what my body needs. 
      And yet, (as with any journey worthy of change) there are times when the little voice of negative self-talk comes in or I find myself struggling with the social aspect these choices. 
      My diet is very specific and I know there are others out there making similar dietary choices. We share a journey that isn't paved and can sometimes feel limiting and overwhelming.
      There are others in my circle that support me - they just "get it". Even if they aren't on the same dietary guidelines, they see that what I'm doing - I'm all in and they notice the beauty this is creating in my life - I'm grateful!
      And then there are others who question what I'm doing and these choices. No, it's not the typical choices and no it's not always easy to understand how these foody-food choices affected my headaches, back pain or weight. With gentle support, I remind myself that not even 3 months ago I was in the darkness and that when the questions, judgments and doubts sneak in; it's my reminder to reconnect to my well of strength. To take time to walk to my empty pail and dip into the waters of compassion; replenishing myself as I continue to be a trailblazing leader and shining my light for the world to see. Reminding myself that we all awaken to ideas, hopes and dreams on at our own pace and that through having compassionate support the questions are doors waiting to be opened.

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