Monday, November 5, 2012

Big, Beautiful Confectionary Wall

Sparkle Cleanse Day 7 - Treat Yo Self Day 46

6 Steps to Sparkle
  1. Inspiration: Do what feels right and listen to my body.
  2. Focus: Techno detox! Yesterday was a cleanse of emotions; today cleanse the need to obsessively check emails, Facebook - a fast from pixels. Change the relationship with technology. Meditate on ways to structure techno time better.
  3. Prayer: In this chaotic world, help me find peace, and remind me to limit the distractions that keep me from embracing my self-care. Impossible deadlines and stress create acidity in my body. The world won't blow up if I take a day off.
  4. Affirmation: I am calm and light. I am peaceful and easygoing. I find beauty in simplicity.
  5. Body Movin': Be in nature, even if it's cold.
  6. Tip: No television or internet. Isn't there a great book on the shelf that would love to be held. Books have feelings too!

My Reflection:

      While today's cleanse is a techno detox, I need to share a story for my healing and journey. So I'm following the best tip create: Do What Feels Right! 
      Through stories and dreams my imagination has helped me through many bumps during my Treat Yo Self Cleanse and today was no exception. These stories often help me process the very real feelings I'm experiencing and create a path toward peace and acceptance. 
      Since Friday, I've been processing my feelings towards sugar and yesterday's post: A Little Extra Love opened myself up to these feelings even more. And today as I took time, I imagined the very real wall I've built with sugar. Sugar has been by far been my most challenging food item to eliminate.
      I share this story to help myself, to find support and to accept where I am on my journey; acknowledging that without climbing the wall, I won't move forward.

The Big, Beautiful Confectionary Wall 

      As I was skipping along my new path in the sun and out of nowhere, I ran into a wall and it stopped me from moving forward. Initially annoyed because things had been going so well, I peered at what I'd run into. I quickly became mesmerized with The Big, Beautiful Confectionary Wall - made out of sweet treats, all in beautiful shades of pinks, decorated with sparkles, swirls and pretty pearls. It was breathtaking and being a baker myself, my heart overflowed with joy. Such love and care was poured into decorating and creating such a wonderful work of art. With heightened interest, I looked more closely at the wall. To my right it rolled with the hills and valleys extending far past what I could see.  And to my left, far in the distance I could see an ocean.  
      The aroma began to swirl around me, with a sweet, freshly baked warm vanilla fragrance. My hands grazed over the soft pastries, cakes and frosting, which were soft, but never lost their shape and when I pushed in towards the wall it was solid all the way through - unmovable. While everything was fresh and immaculate, I could tell the wall had been in place for quite some time.
      As I stood in silent amazement next to The Big, Beautiful Confectionary Wall, I acknowledge that it was in my way. That my path was cut short and here's where it ended. If I chose to walk around it - it would take a lot of time, energy and who knows where it will end? Or maybe there was a passage way built somewhere? Or maybe if it rains the sweet sugar will melt and I'll just walk over it?  
      Or maybe, just maybe, what I need to do is grab a rope and climb the wall? My little heart knows this isn't where my journey ends. Even though this wall is beautiful and I could stay there enjoying it, there is something on the other side of the wall - a new part of my journey and I want to see what that is. It's settled, I need to climb the wall! As I raised my head, I peered up and there didn't seem to be a top - not at least in my sight. I became overwhelmed and felt sad, had I come this far to only be stopped by sweet sugar? In a final stand with what was standing in my way and what I wanted for the future I  had a moment of fear and I doubted myself - "it's too big for me to climb!"
      The idea of stopping thudded in my stomach and I wept at the base of the wall. I was disappointed, frustrated and sad. And then the friendly internal cheerleader kicked in: "What?!? You're going to give up now? After everything you've done and been through? You'd rather stay on this side of the wall and yes, you'll see beauty, but you've seen this before - it's comfortable, it's safe, but it's stopping you. Aren't you a little curious about what's on the other side of the wall? 

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