Monday, November 19, 2012

A Day To Celebrate 21/60

Sparkle Cleanse Day 21 - Treat Yo Self Day 60

6 Steps to Sparkle
  1. Inspiration: You did it! Yeah! I'm giving you another standing ovation - really - and jumping up and down, too. As you go forward, remember that the Crazy Sexy Diet doesn't have to be all or nothing. Do what you can to stick with an alkaline plant-based diet, feed your soul as well as your body, and pay attention to your inner needs. Write a personal mission statement and let it be your guide. No matter where you are, it will always bring you home. Keep it short and powerful so you remember so you remember it always. Place it on your altar. See it, feel it, be it.
    Kris' Mission Statement:
    I commit my life to the pursuit of peace. Peace beings with my physical and mental well-being, it extends to my plate, guides all my relationships, personal and business transactions, and decisions. People can't give me happiness; they can only share in my already present happiness stemming from peace.  
  2. Focus: Live in the present, expect the future.
  3. Prayer: Knowing I am glorious just as I am, help me face the future with intention, integrity, instinct, and excitement.
  4. Affirmation: I am the embodiment of success today! I am a champion.
  5. Body Movin': Ninety-minute deep tissue massage. You deserve it.
  6. Tip: You've changed your diet, moved you patootie, unclogged your body, prayed Crazy Sexy style, affirmed like a warrior, acknowledged what you love, tapped into the hot spring of gratitude, and possibly even added a pinch of witchcraft "just in case". But what if for some stinking reason you still don't believe in your fabulosity? Well, I got one more trick for ya, act as if. Fake it till you make it. Attitude Olympians have used this training method for generations. Before long you will acknowledge and accept your royalty, without apology. Remember, we successfully manifest our dreams when the feelings behind our intentions are in alignment. Acting as if teaches us to believe in ourselves and never settle for less. When negative, nihilistic thoughts  come up, we immediately correct and replace them with positive visualizations and affirmations. "I am sick, weak, and ugly," becomes "I love my body, I am healthy and strong and absolutely stunning." Try on your new confidence until it fits - and go forward. 
    I love you! Thanks for taking the ride with me, I'm really honored you did it! 

My Reflection:

      Today’s a celebration! 60 days with the Treat Yo Self Cleanse and 21 days with the added Sparkle. The amount of joy, anxiety and contemplation that went into this cleanse was a fine tuning fork. I knew things would come up and I knew I’d deal with them to the best of my ability. I didn’t however know exactly how it would turn out or how I’d make it through. I followed my heart and danced with my intuition. And when I danced, I floated in the clouds and when I stumbled I crawled through the mud. I did it all and have come out of it with this renewed purpose: To feed myself and my family better! This was one of my favorite phrases from my Vision Board (although to be honest they are all pretty fantastic).
      When I started this cleanse, I had a deadline in place. I’m not sure if I thought, “Oh and at the end of it, I’ll get to have everything that I couldn’t eat, back into my life.” But I also didn’t prepare myself for “What if I like this so much, feel so much better and choose to continue making these choices around food?”

      So I sat with the unknown, because that is all it truly was, something intangible, unexplainable and looming. I want to be bold and willing - to anything to say yes to transformation and healing. To say no to the negative self talk that tries to override this feeling. So none the less I felt as if I was grieving this weekend. I spent so much time with my Vision Board and letter to myself. While they were beautiful, I now see what I was avoiding making peace with the end of this cleanse. I was sad to see a daily inspiration, motivation and purpose fade.  
      I was also wondering if all the changes I've made would stick after the cleanse; concerned that I'd lose this connection with my ability to choose. It was as if a long-lost friend with amazing strength and beauty and I had reconnected. We hung out for several weeks and now that I reached the end of the cleanse was packing up to move on only to leave me alone; without guidance and intention of the added Sparkle I had during the last 21 days.
       And now I know, that I will keep finding more ways to support myself and that I will never lose the connection I've found. And that I will eagerly embrace the new things I will create. 

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