Friday, November 2, 2012

Taking Time

Sparkle Cleanse Day 4 - Treat Yo Self Day 43 

6 Steps to Sparkle
  1. Inspiration: "Remember when we were kids and we imagined we'd have our very own amusement park, along with two pet dinosaurs and a rocket for getting to school? Not only did we think it, we believed it to our core. Then one day a ninny of a neighbor pierced the dream with really dumb words: "You can't own a rocket or a dinosaur. That's just silly." Your response: "What?" Followed by tears and disillusionment. Likewise, the new you may scare people because it forces them to look in the mirror. You may start hearing the voice of negativity from friends, family, and acquaintances starting about now and continuing in the future. Don't let the judgement of others who are less supportive of or puzzled (and maybe threatened) by your new lifestyle bring you down. Understand that they just don't understand. Reassure them that you're happy and getting healthier. Do it nicely, with love"
  2. Focus: "Let my goals, no matter how big, be and feel real to you. Suck them in, smell and lick them. You have nothing to lose! Oh, and release the ninny. You may still be holding on to her words even though she's long gone from my life."
  3. Prayer: "Please help me locate my inner rebel. May I become a trailblazing leader, not a follower. When I stand in my fully actualized glory, I encourage others to do the same."
  4. Affirmation: "I have unlimited health, spiritual wealth, and happiness now. I am precious and I have so much to offer. The world needs me today." 
  5. Body Movin': "You have a butt, so shake it. How many minutes can you spare? Let's try thirty-five! Hula would be very fun, don't you agree? Notice your breath as you exercise. Are you holding it or breathing too shallow? Combing deep breathing with exercise stimulates your lymph system and helps move toxins out of your body. Now that you adore your neti pot, you probably love the sinus ease it creates! Breathe, baby, breathe!"
  6. Tip: "Snack on sunshine... Why can't you take a twenty-minute sun break for some free Vitamin D?"

My Reflection:

      On Wednesday, I had a Pants Party Breakdown (a.k.a. the pants I wanted to wear weren't washed and the pants left to wear weren't fitting as well as I'd like). Because of this, I lashed out, was overwhelmed and got angry.  
      What was going on?  I paused, took time to journal and realized that I need some time to connect; to understand where this reaction came from. So I listened. I planned a day off from work and let myself connect. The morning greeted me with sunshine and introspection, as I sat cuddling with the cat, drinking my shake I spent time with pen and paper. Valuable insights were scribbled onto the page and when I went to my appointment with Dr. Margaret at Traditional Healing Arts I was ready and willing to explore and find healing. There were so many wonderful and amazing things that happened. In this space I feel safe to feel all of my feelings and to find answers. I'm grateful!
      When I came home I celebrated the progress I made, the connection I felt and enjoyed making delicious gluten-free lettuce wraps with rice, green beans, zucchini, peppers, onion, and chicken - yummy!
      We then shook our booties, dancing the Tango, Rumba, Triple Swing and the Hustle at Arthur Murray. 

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