Tuesday, April 23, 2013

No Fire Extinguisher Needed - Pt. 1 - Skinny Jeans

A Mini-Series of Blog Posts

    A friend saw me last Friday and our conversation went to this place of love and support, as I was sharing all the things I've taken action on since I last saw them (fyi: the last time I saw them was only 10 days before that). 
    Time flies when you open yourself up to let love in and really feel into what inspires you. It didn't matter that it was snowing outside the end of April or that there were 2 more hours left at work. What did matter was that I was showing up and saying yes. Yes, to doing more. Yes, to creating things I want for my life. Yes, to receiving and sharing love. I am glowing and my heart is flowing with ignited passion, I am on fire for living this life.
    My friend felt how alive I was and said, "No Fire Extinguisher Needed"here. They were honoring the ignited fire I was displaying by living a life with purpose and love. There was simply no cause for alarm and no need to put this fire out - it is beautiful.
    This conversation sparked the desire to blog about each wonderful thing, but each topic is so rich it deserves its own blog post. To honor this, I will be posting 3 parts of the "No Fire Extinguisher Needed" mini-series. While each are separate topics, they are interconnected by One.Main.Ingredient...Love. 

Part 1

    The celebration of my body transformation and how by reaching my goal and wearing my Skinny Jeans opened my life to really celebrate with joy and confidence. Look for more posts yet in the month of April, things are really happening and I am thrilled to share it all.

Rockin' The Skinny Jeans

    Last week I blogged about reaching my goal of 230 and celebrating by purchasing my first pair of Skinny Jeans. But something happened over the next few days, while my heart was thrilled, my ego had me doubting that I could actually wear them. "You don't deserve to wear them." "What will others think?" It was a bunch of words that were hurting my self-esteem and acting more like a punishment, than a reward. 
    I sat with this frustration of wanting to do something and seeing the wall that was stopping me. This isn't the first time I'd been there. So on Tuesday, I compromised and appeased the ego and wore a pair of pants that by 9 am were too bagging and made me sad, "Why didn't I just wear the Skinny Jeans?" I let myself find a breath on Wednesday, console my fearful ego and remind my heart soon, it will shine!
    Thursday was the day, I was filled with excitement and nerves. It felt like the day I got married and I found a way to support myself. By 10 am I was feeling confident and celebrated that I "Rocked The Bod" and wore my Skinny Jeans. Oh and those cheerleaders in my life who said "you look great," thank you!
    As you can tell, I am happy, proud, thrilled, overjoyed, thankful and confident (I warn this may be contagious). Externally it was important to feel comfortable and internally I needed to heal.  
    Reaching this goal was huge and now that I'm here - celebrate it. But we tend to do down play the positive, shuffle our feelings or actions to the side because "how can this be so important?" Well, this was and it was essential to honor the whole process.  
    Wearing the Skinny Jeans was important, but there was something more to it. It was being able to support myself through a few moments of doubt and rather than just pushing myself past the fear and dismissing it, or eating away from it, I felt in to it. I validated the presence of this emotion in my life. I realized how by choosing fear, I was stopping myself from doing something I really loved and wanted to let in. Having these moments of frustration and letting myself recognize that was what it was, helped me get to this point where my whole self can sparkle and shine, not just the Skinny Jeans or my goal,  but me. So here I am living passionately, learning to love myself and letting myself glow with this fire. 

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