Sunday, February 9, 2014

15 Days of Sharing

Today I met with Jasna Burza, a Life Coach in the Twin Cities area. I continue to be amazed (though now, really it's more about being grateful) that when I ask for support and follow my intuition, I find the support is there. It may take time, though I continue to trust that as I approach new opportunities, I will find something beautiful. I found Jasna through a friend. Here and now I want to thank this friend for reaching out to Jasna when they did, for being courageous to transform and to share this journey with others.

My Heart Was Glowing

Arriving with self-awareness, hoping for clarity, trusting truth and substance would surround our conversation, we discussed the preliminary worksheet I'd completed. As the creations of living a life filled with courage, vulnerability and exploration began taking shape, I felt my heart glowing. I understood in those few brief moments why people have life coaches and when the time is right, you know it, so go for it!

Our time together was exactly as I'd expected, even though I really had no expectations. There are spaces inside of myself, that I found more willingness to explore and I could feel the support beaming through. If anything, I knew I'd come away with an understanding of my untapped potential and if I had someone to walk beside me and encourage me to reach my goals, even better.

Supporting My Passion: Let Me Write!

This blog has remained a sacred space for sharing my journey. Ringing with true beauty, I commit to making more time to share, explore vulnerabilities, support my gifts and honor my essential self. Writing was a shimmery star in our conversation today, a space where my heart glow surges with electric life giving energy.

As our session was winding down, I realized how life coaching is my opportunity to transform at deep levels. The more willing I am, the more beauty and lessons of love I'll learn. Jasna saw my potential, though most importantly, I saw it too. Gleaming with beauty and seeing my dreams breath new life and transform from living in my heart to become the foundation of my life. Our souls were meant to meet here, learn something and travel forward together.

Wait, There's Homework

This was one of those pieces I hadn't thought about, though part of me is glad I hadn't. Rather than the usual papers I did in high school or college to receive a passing grade from a teacher about a topic I may have cared very little about. This homework is my gift to future me, a way to set goals and either reach them or find a new way to measure and approach them. Turns out I may not be learning from a college and in pursuit of a masters degree, rather, I'm learning with the universe, receiving a degree in confidence, self-awareness and transformation.

Presented with love, my homework is to share my journey via a daily Blog and/or Vlog for the next 15 days. I'll be the first to admit, when Jasna first suggested this, my heart started racing, my eyes grew large and the first thing that struck me was, can I actually do this? 

I took a moment, those responses were fear based, taking a deep breath, I recognized I had 2 choices, either allow them to be the truth or to give it a try and see how it goes. My homework is supporting all of the things I want:

to write more,
to share my journey of transformation and
create movement in my life. 

Once I realized acknowledgement of my inner critic and my feelings was an essential step, I saw how this homework will teach me a lesson. With ignited passion, courage standing by and my inner guidance supporting each word, here I go.

Why 15 days? 

Beginning on February 25th, I begin my 100 Day Journey of Nourishment with Maggie Christopher. We will meet every other week around my holistic nutritional journey, allowing doors to be unlocked with the Eight Universal Metabolizers: (see: The Slow Down Diet on my Books page for details)
  • Relaxation
  • Quality
  • Awareness
  • Rhythm
  • Pleasure
  • Thought
  • Story
  • the Sacred
So let's call the next 15 days a preview into this 100 day journey, where I'm making time for blogging, trusting my intuition and honoring my essential self on this beautiful journey.

Jasna affirmed: follow your intuition and trust the support for right action will always be there. 

With Love, Jan

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