Saturday, February 2, 2013

50 in 135

Creation and Destruction

    I'm grateful to welcome February, it just feels different. With my intention of 2013 being the year of The Whole Truth, January surely brought truthfulness into fruition. As I blogged about old patterns, emotional eating and finding healing in the Christmas Card Debacle, I found Clarity and sought to create a Delicate Balance between seeing my fears and learning to love them.
    The healing process for January was bare and essential, it revealed a depth that I had never seen and I didn't quite understand it all. As I sat reflecting on the unknown, I came across The Dragon Tree; a Holistic Spa in Portland (which I have never been to and/or may never get to), but found a connection. Their blog post on the necessity of Creation and Destruction helped me understand the process and created peace.
    "We have the ability to CREATE on a daily basis that which we desire to manifest... The creative aspect of life can be invigorating and inspiring. It’s...part of what speaks to how we “show up” in the world.  
    The inevitable polarity to creation... is DESTRUCTION... We cannot have one without the other, just as we cannot have light without dark, or good without the bad, it is a part of the pendulum’s swing that maintains a balance in life... The destruction process is just as much of a teacher... as creation, and when we can embrace the opportunities that are presented to us through it, we are able to utilize the nutrients from the decomposition, to blossom once again."

135 Days with the O.M.I. Life 

50 Pounds Transformed Away, Feeling Better and Finding Support
    When I first made the decision to eliminate gluten, dairy, corn and refined sugar from my diet, I saw it as a choice that had a definite end date. I thought, "Oh by Thanksgiving I'll be able to enjoy "everything" I used to eat." Surprise! I'm still enjoying these choices, no longer have an end date and have found they are necessary for me to live a healthy and happy life. 
    Wow! Only five months ago I made a choice to feel different with my body. To allow myself to explore my emotional eating, embrace cravings and support myself through it all. As I find healing, the weight transforms away and while that wasn't the reason I started this all, it has become a nice reward.
    Daily headaches and weekly, sometimes bi-weekly migraines affected me for several years. Now, if I do experience a migraine it is because what I ate my body disliked and gotten really good at paying attention. Amazing how easy it is to notice the physical response to food.
    Many people share their love and support for me through this journey. Many of whom have made similar changes and know that the journey, while beautiful, can also be challenging. My husband has recently begun his own journey with food and creating a healthy life. Yay!

February: The Month of Music: The Janercise Effect

    Janercise [verb] \jan-ər-sīz\  
    The regular or repeated listening to the same song or album for days… weeks… months…and loving every minute!
    Music has always been a part of my life and as those who are closest to me know I can often be found doing this very act, literally playing a song I love, repeatedly. I'm honoring this passion for music again this month.
    In August 2012 I explored my relationship with my mother with three of amazing songs: Turning Tables - AdeleDefying Gravity, from the musical Wicked, Conduct - Cranberries. Without knowing where the music will lead, I look forward to the journey of my heart.

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