20 Month Anniversary

I found myself hibernating
through the winter months. Coming inward and connecting with the deeper work
that my soul was ready to embrace. Yet, there were old messages that began
repeating and I somehow began to doubt what I’d done, what I was doing and what
I wanted to do – mostly, I doubted myself. That pattern of self-doubt continued to play itself out and
I continued to recognize it and rather than trying to do something with “it” I
practiced staying still. Noticing the triggers that brought me inward and the
activities I could do to help heal it.
The Honoring
Beginning my 100 Day Journey of Nourishment on Feb 25th, allowed me to be even more connected with my journey and myself (today is day 85!). With each moment I shared, I began finding my way back to myself. The videos became a way for me to communicate from my heart and with each week that passed, I found self-compassion overflowing.
Earlier this week, I felt the pull to find a way to
honor this anniversary, not just to share the photos, no, much deeper than
that, to share my heart.
It took a series of choices to get
where I am, ounces of courage to love the darkness that I use to avoid and loving curiosity to explore. So on this eve of my 20 month anniversary, I don’t know what I weigh or the difference of my body's measurements. (Stepping away from the scale during my 100 Day Journey has been one of the best gifts I've given myself.)
Though what I do know is that I weighed more when I was hiding from issues in my life, than I do now when I lean into them. I do know that I have an amazing capacity for energy that flows from a place so happy to be alive. And I know that as I write, I.AM.PROUD! Proud of myself. Proud of my body. Proud of the choices I made and the courage it takes to continue journeying. And Proud of living my life more authentically.
If a part of me hadn't believed in myself then;
I wouldn't
be here today.
If a part of me hadn't thought, “yes, you can do this;"
I wouldn't have
done it.
And if a part of me hadn't trusted in the power of healing;
wouldn't find myself moving from surviving to thriving.
Though what I do know is that I weighed more when I was hiding from issues in my life, than I do now when I lean into them. I do know that I have an amazing capacity for energy that flows from a place so happy to be alive. And I know that as I write, I.AM.PROUD! Proud of myself. Proud of my body. Proud of the choices I made and the courage it takes to continue journeying. And Proud of living my life more authentically.
With Love, Jan
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