Me + Body Movement = A Lesson to Learn

Yesterday I shared The Exercise, Part 1, a blog post that sat as a draft for a year and a half. It was a funny thing, I've had other draft posts and when I'd return to them, they were often discarded or bits and pieces were grabbed to make a new post. But that one, it just stayed there; I couldn't delete it OR publish it. I felt stuck and didn't know why. And then there it was, I was facing a door I didn't want to open and so I waited.
The Door
Over the course of the last few years, I’d start out enthusiastic with an exercise plan. My body wanted to move in beautiful ways and so I'd find "the new thing." As the months went on, no matter how much I loved it, something would happen internally (was it mentally? emotionally? spiritually? or all?)
and I would find myself blocked and that brings us to the door.
My consciousness identifies these blocks as doors. A door keeps things from getting in and also keeps things from getting out. I respected the fact that the door was there for a
reason. Who am I kidding?!? Respect wasn't always there, though frustration, anger and sadness were, because I wanted so desperately to move!
There was a part of me that didn't want to know what was behind the door, because I knew it would change my life. And there was a part of me that wanted to know, because I knew it would change my life. Yes! I wanted the door to stay closed and to be opened for the same reason. I just didn't know it then and I didn't know what to do or how to be with it.
“What excuses have you been making
for not confronting the problem up till now?”
Opening the Door
Sharing the post yesterday was me stepping out of my comfort zone, into the space of authentic vulnerability. Sharing this post today encourages me to keep opening the door with gentle compassion, because it will change my life.
With Love, Jan
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