Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Trick or Treat

Sparkle Cleanse Day 2 - Treat Yo Self Day 41

6 Steps to Sparkle
  1. Inspiration: "You are one step closer to liberation. Whatever you leave out of your diet is as important as what you include. The healthiest diets have one thing in common: they toss crappy food. This diet and lifestyle is the Rollls-Royce, and you deserve an elegant ride."
  2. Focus: "Embrace yourself - literally. You may feel tired and cranky today. Yesterday you started what is a major shift in your life and health - but it likely brought up all sorts of physical and emotional pangs. That's okay! Stop what you are doing right now (well, after you read my directions), take in a very deep breath, and raise your hands to the heavens. Let your capable hands meet in a prayer. Stretch your God pod and while you swoop your lovely arms down exhale all the air out and hug yourself. As you embrace your majesty, say this out loud: "I LOVE YOU (fill in your name)". Repeat three times."
  3. Prayer: "May I know in my heart that I am precious, worthy and divine (aka very fabulous)! When I move from my own private divinity whatever I do is enough."
  4. Affirmation: "I love my thighs. My skin is beautiful. My organs are healthy and powerful."
  5. Body Movin': "It doesn't matter what time of day you do it - just do it! Exercise for thirty-five minutes. There is no way out of this, so don't try to wiggle. Oh, and how's the meditation going, dear one? Don't blow it off, okay? Who cares if your mind stages a mutiny? What matters is that you show up."
  6. Tip: "Plan meals ahead of time. It's a huge help! Though I'm not going to tell you what to eat every step of the way, that doesn't mean you shouldn't strategize. Don't get caught with your dinner pants down, sister. Crack open your cookbooks, shop and plot. Stack the odds for success in my favor."

My Reflection: 

      Happy Halloween! 
      Growing up, selecting my costume and running door to door in the neighborhood to receive tasty treats was always such a fun experience - even in when I lost my retainer in the inches of snow. 
      I'm glad to continue on with the tradition in our neighborhood. We are always flooded with pretty princesses, scary monsters and this year my favorite was a little Winnie-The-Pooh with the neighborhood's larger than life bon-fire blazing at the park across the street. This year we handed out 300 pieces of candy.
      So this year, as I thought about my Treat Yo Self Cleanse, I'll be honest the idea of not having a little treat made me sad. So against my better judgement I carefully selected a bite size Reese's Peanut Butter Cup - and oh my. As soon as I took the first bite, I wished I could take it back. My body was literally angered - too much sugar and too much chocolate! I was surprised at how quickly I noticed the symptoms (stomach ache and headache). Rather than beat myself up, I just thanked myself that I am now aware of how sensitive I am. Now that I'm making choices to NOT have these things has made all the difference. 

      While my inspiration for today was about loosing crappy food, here I was having a chocolaty treat. But in this, I learned and learned quickly. I have fine tuned my body and now am working on find tuning my mind to acknowledge when a "crappy" piece of food lingers on my lips. 

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