Monday, September 22, 2014

Life Takes Time

From a thought, an idea, to action
Moments where your heart knows where it's going
And your head is catching up
Time is a funny thing
It tracks a measurement of our lives
Even I celebrate birthdays and anniversarys with glee
Though does this mean it's the only way to measure life?
I think of Rent, of The Seasons of Love
The five hundred, twenty five thousand, six hundred minutes
Life is more than that, it must be
So why is it in the time before a vacation begins
Time drips slow like honey?
And then while on said vacation
Time slips like sand through the fingers? 
And a day after my 2 year anniversary
Or my "Birth"day, as a dear friend suggested
Time spent reflecting on Lost Lake
I read a letter I'd written to myself a year ago
Some of what I wanted then, is the same
And many of the things have transformed
The written words poured with authenticty
And yet, where I am today,
365 days later,
I feel different, I am different
And the only certainty I have as I look back is this:
Life Takes Time
There were times
When moments dragged on
Where absolution was desired
And the only console was to honor the feelings
Rather than run
(Though, I'll be honest, sometimes I chose to run)
It's taken time for me to understand and appreciate what nourishes me
To nuruture my emotions and support the part of me that desires to run
And to trust myself to stand beside her, letting her know, it's ok.
It's taken time for me to integrate beautiful foods into my life
To make time for batch cooking on Sundays
Filling my fridge with nutrious foods
And actually say, "I Love To Cook!"
It's taken time for my body to adjust to my transformation.
For the weight that was once needed for protection
To be released with love
And it's taken time as I explore deep layers
Honor all that steps forward
And trust, even if it feels like a single tendril to Heaven
That each experience is for my souls growth.
There have been times lived in the moment
Both measured and the intangible
Times spent afraid and in the dark
And the beauty of gratitude in the light
With the only resolution, being there is no absolution
Life Takes Time
With Love, Jan

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