Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Inspiring Happiness Beginnings

    In April of 2011 I was preparing to release a depression that had been affecting my life and my choices for years. I knew something big was going to be happeneing for me.
    Being able to take a Power of Purpose training course at work, I began sifting through layers. Recognizing the things that were getting in my way and the choices I was making that were no longer aligning with the life. One day, after a tearfully emotional share about my journey with infertility, I uncovered my purpose "To dance with my intuition, Following my happiness, Creating a world I treasure."
    As I began to awaken to honoring my purpose, life seemed to meet me with joy to embrace and challenges to face. I realized that this was my time to focus on me. To give myself the time, patience and love I needed to make space for living life for me. While I may have been less 'on purpose' about this journey and my old pattern of cutting out what hurt was put into place in some relationships, I began something truly beautiful. I made choices that literally felt like I needed to 'survive' and yes, I could have done things in a more loving way, but the truth is, I didn't know how to do that then and am still learnining it now.


The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin

    Months later I read this book and was ignited with passion to discover ways for me to increase my happiness. One day, maybe through a dream, it became clear that I too could have my own happiness project. Realizing that I can live more intentionally and put more care into the energy I put out in the world. I opened myself to transformation.
    As I began setting my monthly intentions, I noticed I was feeling better. Not just in my outlook, but in how I was processing through the life surges that were coming to me. In the winter months I began wanting to put color, words, vibrancy to my journey. I worked with a graphic design service; Campfire Studio and my dreams started coming true. As we began developing the imagery that lived in my heart, I realized that sharing my journey was going to be important too. 
    The idea for this blog Inspiring Happiness Project came to me and has now become the creative and emotional expression of my journey. The creation of this blog is a step in honoring my desire to honor the voice that has, for so long I tried to ignore. Choosing this to be my first post was overwhelming, "what if am less profound than I think I am?" and "what if someone reads my words and doubts the truth in what I speak? They were all "what if's" and from my head, not my heart. So after weeks of contemplation and frustration, I danced with my intuition, found the inspriation and courage to begin.

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