Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Celebrating 90 Pounds

Reached a goal today, on the final day of July and it is a welcomed bookend to this month. While I have stories to share, words to write and emotions to feel into, I gladly welcome a bit of glee. For the last 3 years July has been more like the start to my year. Why? Because it was when I first stepped forward to really start healing. This July lived up to this transformational calling and as I continue to feel into the numerous life moments that came forward, I acknowledge that I am not yet ready to dive in, to share or to write about their details. And while I know they are at the heart of my healing, sometimes the psyche can only go as far as it can before it puts up a revolt. I’m honoring both the eagerness to heal, as well as the desire to pause and respectfully say here I am. 

Today the Wii Fit scale displayed 210 pounds and I beamed with pride. Let's say that again just to make sure I'm not dreaming: 210.
So with that, knowing I'm 10 pounds away from the number no longer beginning with a 2 or a 3, but a 1, I'm sharing my top 10 lessons of life and love through this journey.
10. While there is less of me (90 pounds less that is) there is more of me to see
9.  Being willing to change and finding someone who can really support you is vital to true transformation (Thanks Dr. Margaret!)
8. In 10 months, my relationship with food has started shifting from fighting to loving
7. We all want to be loved, accepted and forgiven (especially within our own selves)
6. The foods I've let go of used to hurt my body
5. The foods I've started loving supply my body with life
4. Connecting with others on their journeys has lead to deeper healing
3. Blogging truly has been a saving grace
2. I feel better (a lot better)! If the decrease in migraines, grumbly tummy and back pain weren't enough - I have this enormous amount of energy to do more of the things I love
1. I'm Finding  |  Creating  |  Inspiring  Happiness!

The friendship, conversations and support you've sent my way have been appreciated. This journey is allowing me to come into who I am meant to be and I know the Universe  |  Angels  |  God  and your love have helped me reach this goal and for this I am truly thankful!
Love, Jan

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